Yule and Satchel meet the Mayor and the Townspeople

 BRIDGET:  Hey everybody, this is so cool – you have to meet this guy. Everybody, this is Yule and his friend Satchel.

TARA:  He says he knows what to do with the boxes.

JIMMY:  He’s here to help us – and he does magic.

MAYOR:  (accent of choice): Well hello there, glad to have you. I’m the Mayor. I’d be happy to show you around our little village.

YULE:  That’s very kind of you. You’ve got quite a town here. So busy, so festive. What’s going on?

MAYOR:   We’re getting ready. You know, preparing.

YULE:  For what?

MAYOR:  I’m sorry?

YULE:  For what?

MAYOR:  Exactly.

SATCHEL (stopping YULE from speaking further, takes over):  Anyway, we are happy to be here, but what is this place?

MAYOR:  (proudly) Why this is the Land of the Night Before.

YULE:  Before what?

BRIDGET, TARA, JIMMY:  Never mind!

YULE:  Ok – but what happens here.

MAYOR:  (matter of fact manner) Well, every morning we get up, change our socks, brush our teeth, pick out our favorite morning breakfast cereal, make ….

(As MAYOR talks, SATCHEL notices the tree being trimmed and untrimmed simultaneously, he interrupts him mid-sentence)

SATCHEL:  And what are they doing?

MAYOR:  Oh, that is our Tree Trimming Committee along with the Ladies Untrimming Auxiliary.

YULE:  But they’re putting up the decorations …

SATCHEL: …and taking them down at the same time.

MAYOR:  Yes, and they do it so effortlessly, isn’t it grand!

SATCHEL:  (to audience) Something tells me we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Yule's friend, Satchel, asks the Teacher for help.

TEACHER:  Listen to me; even if I wanted to help, and I do not, why is it so important what happens to our village?  This is our life here.

SATCHEL:    You don’t understand …. Yule would never tell you this himself, he’s too proud, but he was … we were … banished from our land.

TEACHER: Banished? Why? 

SATCHEL: A few spells that … well… that didn’t exactly work like they were supposed to. (sadly)That happens to him sometimes.

TEACHER: So I’ve noticed. He does seem to have a knack for causing trouble.

SATCHEL: It’s not on purpose. You have to believe me. He tries so hard. And everyone else in his family is so good at it. Did you know that Yule’s family is in charge of all the spells for our entire land? He so wants to make them proud. So when things go wrong, he takes it very hard.

TEACHER: Then why doesn’t he go to them for help?

SATCHEL: He’s too ashamed.  And, besides, we can’t go back home until he proves himself worthy. That’s why this journey is so important. I think we are running out of chances.

TEACHER:  Why do you stay with him?

SATCHEL:  Because he’s my friend … and … well, I’m worried about him.  Everyone needs someone when things don’t always go right.  Yule really is a good person; won’t you give him a chance?

TEACHER: I don’t know. What if something else goes wrong? You are looking out for one person; I’m looking out for a whole village.  I can’t take the chance that everyone here will suffer because of his crazy spells.

SATCHEL: All he needs is just one success … a little light at the end of the tunnel … something to keep his hopes up.

TEACHER: I don’t know.

SATCHEL:  Can’t you see that everyone else really likes him, really trusts him.

TEACHER:  Of course I see that.  But they don’t know what I know.  Did Yule tell you the story …?

SATCHEL:  Of the town’s history?  Yes, he told me.  But this is different.  Yule just wants to show everyone how much better it could be.  He doesn’t want fighting or greed… he just wants people to experience the joys of the holiday.  Can’t you see that?

TEACHER:  Look, I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just not sure. 

SATCHEL:  Can’t you at least think about it?  Please.

TEACHER:  (standing to signal end of conversation) All right, I promise that I will think about what you have told me…and whether I’ve been a bit harsh.  But I’m not promising anything Satchel.

SATCHEL: (optimistic suddenly) No, that is great.  That’s all I could ask.  You have made me very happy.  Thank you.

TEACHER:  And for starters, no more dancing reindeer or any other spells.  No more surprises.

SATCHEL:  I … I understand.  (sheepishly)  What could go wrong? 

The adorable town simpletons, Aristotole and Einstein, watch a movie.

EINSTEIN:  Oh look, it’s another movie!

ARISTOTLE:  Let’s sit and watch.


(After a few moments, Einstein gets up out of chair)

ARISTOTLE:  Where are you going?

EINSTEIN:  To get some popcorn for the movie.

ARISTOTLE:  Where are you going to find popcorn? 

(Down the main aisle comes a “popcorn vendor” – a child dressed as a “cigarette girl” or a stadium vendor, “get your popcorn hear” carrying a tray of popcorn.)

EINSTEIN: I’ll take two please.  With extra butter!

ARISTOTLE:  Einstein, not too much butter, it’s bad for your cholesterol.

EINSTEIN:  Aristotle?

ARISTOTLE:  Yes, Einstein?

EINSTEIN: What’s cholesterol?

ARISTOTLE:  I have no idea.

EINSTEIN: Oh, OK. (They watch the movie until the end)

EINSTEIN:  Is that the end of the movie?

ARISTOTLE:  I think so, it didn’t sound very good.

EINSTEIN:  Do you think it was bad for their cholesterol?

ARISTOTLE: I have no idea.

Satchel tries to give Yule the confidence he needs.

YULE:  Satchel, do you think we really can get back?

SATCHEL:  If you can show these people the magic of the holiday, they’ll have to let us come back.

YULE: I don’t think that teacher will ever let that happen.  

SATCHEL: But Yule, lots of people believe in you.  Don’t give up hope. You never know. Hey, what could go wrong?

YULE:  Nothing seems to be working

SATCHEL:  You can’t give up now – it will all work out

YULE:  Yeah, sure.  I’ve got eight tiny reindeer running around town looking for a sleigh and three sisters whose gooses are cooked.  I’m one fruitcake away from a disaster.

SATCHEL:  Will you forget about the fruitcake already!!  It wasn’t so bad.

YULE:  But you are the one that keeps telling me …

SATCHEL:  Since when did you start listening to me? … Anyway, listen to me … it will all work out OK.

YULE:  How can you be so sure?.